Wind Storm Mitigation Inspection

Showing a gable view of how external wind pressure can damage houses

This image depicts the path of wind towards a building

Mark Beckerman is a Certified Wind Mitigation Inspector

Showing a gable view of how external wind pressure can damage houses
The state of Florida REQUIRES Insurance Companies to offer reduced rates on Windstorm Insurance for certain hurricane resistant features.
Many homes in Florida already qualify for a discount. Discounts are given to homeowners by the number of wind resistive features present. Location is also a factor on discount amounts. Your insurance agent can be more specific.
Most existing houses have one or more wind resistive construction features and may qualify for some insurance discounts. In addition, houses built after 1994 in Miami-Dade or Broward Counties and houses built after 2002 in the rest of the state have many wind resistive construction features and will likely qualify for credits.
Elite Inspections will inspect the features present in your home and produce a windstorm mitigation inspection report for you in order to obtain your WINDSTORM MITIGATION CREDITS from your insurance agent.
A Windstorm Mitigation inspection is a valuable service that may reduce your windstorm insurance. Protecting your family and your home against wind threats can reduce your insurance rates. A Wind Storm Mitigation inspection evaluates your roof and shutters.
Call Elite Inspections LLC at 954-255-3330 to schedule your Wind Storm Mitigation Inspection today.